“You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change.”
-Tim Cook
Cystic Fibrosis entered our lives when our niece was born and diagnosed a week later. We all dove into finding as much information as possible, and it terrified us. My brother and sister in law began living the frightening reality as parents with a child with an uncurable disease. Feeling helpless, we decided to aggressively begin fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, since 90 cents of every dollar raised goes into finding a cure for the 30,000 + Americans (and 70,000+ worldwide) who suffer from CF.
We decided the best way to showcase our talents in a fundraiser was to frame artwork by local children with CF. I had them paint 2 pictures (one to keep, one to auction), and A Breath Of Fresh Art was created. In 4 years, we raised nearly $75,000 for the Foundation. I continue to frame the artwork for all of the local Charlotte chapter events, and one painting auctioned for $36,000!!! My husband donates his time and major photography skills, and got us involved in the Xtreme Hike event (30.1 miles on the Appalachian Trail in 1 day)! Um…thanks, honey???? Challenged that I would not be able to complete an Xtreme Hike, I am working on my 4th. 😊
And not to be outdone, our son decided he wanted to be involved and has raised more than $6,000 with his Cookie and Lemonade stands and was even recognized by our chapter and Young Standout of the Year in 2018. From this horrible disease, we have met the most amazing people. People with CF, family members of people with CF, and people who just want to help by supporting and fundraising. All of the people we have met over the years who work for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation are so passionate about finding a cure, and we are proud to walk alongside them.
On the rare occasions that Applewood Gallery is closed, it is likely we are participating in or volunteering for an event.
Find more information about Cystic Fibrosis by clicking here.
For our local events, please click here.

Since 2010, we have supported the CF XTREME HIKE for a Cure with photos, frames, and awards.

Since 2013, Quint's Lemonade & Cookie Stand has raised more than $6,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Kassandra completed her third XTREME HIKE (30.1 miles in one day on the Appalachian Trail) in 2018.
Quint was the first nominated Young STANDOUT in 2018. Here he is with his family at STANDOUT Night 2018.
Tony has completed 5 XTREME HIKES since 2010.

We are proud to have framed this painting for the Master Chefs event in 2019, where it raised $36,000 toward a cure for CF.